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White Paper: CA 2E (Synon) to Java Code Conversion 

An independent code analysis conducted by IBM on the advantages of modernizing CA 2E (Synon) on IBM i using X–2E Modernize.

CA 2E Synon to Java White Paper IBM i

Leveraging the value in your CA 2E applications

CA 2E (Synon) was one of the most successful 4GL tools on IBM i and is still used by numerous organizations. Today, however, these companies are under pressure to modernize their business applications beyond the scope and capability of what CA 2E can offer. For example, it can be hard to find developers with CA 2E skills. CA 2E applications are also less agile, and integrating them with others systems can be challenging.

Innovating for the future

Converting your CA 2E applications to Java and other modern languages enables you to modernize valuable code to take advantage of new opportunities. By transforming from CA 2E to Java, you’ll be able to respond to current and future business needs faster and grow your business.


This white paper briefly describes the advantages of modernizing CA 2E (Synon) on IBM i. It includes IBM’s evaluation of the maintainability of Java code converted from CA 2E by Fresche’s X-2E Modernize solution. CA 2E is ideally suited for conversion to Java as it contains a highly useful design model. The white paper also includes an overview of X-2E Modernize features in addition to an architecture diagram for the converted code.

Converting CA 2E (Synon) Code to Java on IBM i

A look at one of the leading code modernization solutions
Table of Contents
  • Modernizing CA 2E code
  • IBM evaluation of Java code converted from CA 2E by Fresche
  • Evaluation area
    • Methodology and summary of findings
  • Summary of Findings
    • Was the converted code understandable?
    • Was the converted code modifiable?
    • Does the converted code meet requirements?
    • Testing
  • Fresche evaluation sheet from IBM Systems Lab Services
    • Quality of the generated code
    • Maintainability/Style of the generated code
    • Architecture of the transformed application
    • Quality of the generated interface
    • General comments/summary
  • Fresche’s X-2E Modernize Solution
  • Key Features of X-2E Modernize
    • Architecture of a converted application