X-Analysis helps organizations better manage IBM i applications by quickly allowing developers to gain a full understanding of their RPG, CA 2E (Synon) or COBOL applications.

    Join Ray Everhart for this four-part series that takes a closer look at the productivity and critical insight that is gained from documenting your systems and the automated approach to impact analysis, code understanding and field resizing. Each session is 30 minutes long.  


PART 1: Documenting your systems

Automated graphical documentation and data flow diagrams make it easy to visualize applications. In this session, Ray will demonstrate how to document your RPG, COBOL and CA 2E (Synon) applications and generate interactive, graphical documentation that:

  • Shows program control through call stack.
  • Provides object use, access, parameters, etc.
  • Displays RPG as easy-to-read pseudo code.

Part 2: Automated Impact Analysis
Powerful impact analysis tracks “where used” information throughout the application and database. In this session, Ray will show how to:

  • Track variables through all iterations and associations
  • Highlight every object affected by a change
  • Document system functionality for audit and planning

Part 3: Understanding Your Code
Powerful drill-down and drill-up capabilities ensure that you get precisely the level of detail you need. Learn how your applications and data are connected, about the rules that run your business applications and how to determine what is obsolete.

  • Provide detail right down to the source code
  • Trace variables down through multiple layers
  • Browse unused sub-routines and files

Part 4: Automated approach to Resizing Your Fields
Attempting to perform field expansion manually for anything but the smallest databases is next to impossible. Taking an automated approach removes the risk of human error and ensures a rapid, accurate outcome. In this session Ray shows how to:

  • Find all objects that require change
  • Transform thousands of objects in just minutes
  • Convert, compile and view the code and all changes that were made